Well, hot damn, it has been a while since I’ve posted anything hasn’t it? Well, I’ve been relatively, and I say this with that grain of salt I talk about, happy. That is, with things outside my personal life, which I made a promise to leave out. But in a conversation with a friend I had an epiphany and realized I could generalize what’s been pissing me off lately into a much broader spectrum: Children and the rise in the amount of dumb whores who have them.
See, I’m all for someone who’s talked about it having kids. Chances are they’re financially stable and are in a more than fleeting relationship. They’re the smart people who make sure that a kid is something they want and can provide for. What I can’t stomach is these dumb whores who don’t know what a condom is, either before, during, or after their senior year of high school, having kids. Not only are they bringing a little demon spawn into this world without being prepared, but they’re dragging family down with them.
I’ve never attested to liking small children. Yes, they’re cute at times. But when they’re not cute they’re usual throwing their toys (in the case of multiple children, usually at their siblings faces), demanding you give them cookies for breakfast instead of cereal (then throwing said cereal, bowl and all, on to the ground in protest), Or, and this is something I’ve experienced a while back, sneaking wafer cookies and peanuts out of the kitchen cupboard and eating only a few. Not because they’re full mind you. No, because they’ve crushed the rest and rubbed them into the carpet of your nice steps/living room. Demons, people, demons who, under the wrong guidance, will only grow to be even worse.
But as they grow it becomes less and less their fault and more and more the fault of the bumbling idiots that birthed them. These dumb whores who don’t know how to prevent a hangnail let alone pregnancy getting knocked up by the guy they think is “The One”. Sure, at first he’ll stay around, maybe. Those are the one’s who try to be responsible. But about 4/10 of those guys are going to run for the hills about three months in when your preg-cunt hormonal ass gets more pissy than usual and starts screaming one second, laughing the next, then having a mental breakdown and crying rivers only seconds later.
If you got one that stayed the whole term and then some? Good for you. But do me a favor here, assume that you have one of those six of ten guys. Now divide your odds by half. You now have to deal with the fact that he may have just been trying to save his life from your shotgun wielding father. Then you realize a few years (I’m being nice here) later that he hates your guts because you wouldn’t have the abortion and you “ruined his life”. Still “The one” ladies? You’ve got better chances of him being Neo at this point.
Ah, for the last group now. Congratulations! You’ve survived pregnancy and a marriage shortly after. Your kid is five years old or so, playing outside your trailer with the other kids in the trailer park, having competitions over who’s got more cockroaches in their “house” (cause lets face it, when it’s all you’ve ever known, a trailer might as well be a house) and who’s gonna get that new toy for Christmas. Yeah, nevermind that his new coat was actually bought by his grandmother because she couldn’t stand to see him in the same, old, ripped, jacket another winter. Congratulations, you’ve succeeded in living a sub-par life due to your own stupidity.
Still think keeping it was a good idea? I’m not even suggesting abortion. That’s a very personal choice that I would never even dream of infringing on. But if you don’t want to abort it (Usual a move taken by those of religious views) maybe try putting it up for adoption. Not that I really support that option either. It’s overused by your type. You spend a few years recycling and donating money to less fortunate children and those in adoption agencies, then you get pregnant and throw another kid into a less than fortunate situation.
My verdict? Use some kind of birth control and a condom. Hell, maybe even a few other methods. Just to make sure. I hate children, but children born of stupid parents are likely to be just as stupid and all the more irritating for it. If you’re going to reproduce and add to the cesspool that is humanity, please make it a well thought out and calculated decision. Cause c’mon, I’m sure you don’t wanna hear this shit again, amirite?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
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