Saturday, October 24, 2009
Dont Trust Your Eyes to the Bloodthirsty Public
Ah shit. What am I pissed off at this week? Well, I've been busy. That means not too much CNN or bitching at Fox. (Except that one time I walked in on my mom watching it. *shivers*) I do have some things that caused my skin to crawl however. So bear with me in case this doesn't affect you at some points. First, a follow-up on the balloon thing from last week. Don't know the full details but apparently the whole thing might of been a hoax and -blah blah blah blah. When even Joy Behar gets a headache from a story being drug out for too long, Ive long since considered shoving chopsticks in my ears. The human race is a piece of shit as a whole and sometimes you can find as many as thirty bottom feeders in one area. And its not that humans woke up one day and became despicable like some would like to think. No, we've always been sacks of shit. We've only become bigger sacks of shit. We've gotten better at it for fuck'ssake. That of course was all just a build-up to something I noticed during the half-hour I actually got to sit and watch CNN last night. 1. Not only do I get pissed at little shit, but something as big as say, kidnapping a little girl, killing her, and then dumping her body in a dumpster? Just kinda sickening. In a half hour all I heard was about two girls roughly the same age and both under 10 being found dead : One found in the woods and the other, as I said, in a dumpster. Then as I said, there's the smaller things like the "Make money posting links on Google" scam. It's actually really convincing til you talk to someone who actually fell for it. They draw you in like most do, promising 5,000-8,000 a month from doing something simple a few hours a day. All they ask is about $2 to send you some kit and you're good to go, right? Wrong, 'cause people that have actually fallen for this ended up noticing $70+ going missing from their banks more than a few times. Not to mention that a closer look at the site where you sign up for this reveals a disclaimer that the people responsible for it are in no way affiliated with Google. That's the stuff that makes me wanna punch people in the face or worse. Warning : That's all I have on a large scale. The following ranting is things that angered me but may not necessarily push your buttons. First up is something fresh on my mind, as I watched it only two nights ago. X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Ya see? I'm a Marvel comic book fan. I didnt really care about the movie aside from the fact that it would be my favorite Marvel character's first ever appearance in the main stream media. Or so I thought. Deadpool. Wade Wilson. The Merc with a Mouth. I was happy in the beginning of the movie as Ryan Reynolds did a decent job getting Deadpool's sense of humor across, albeit in a slightly light manner. But I held steady, sure that once he went through the experiments he'd be the Deadpool I know and love reading. Wrong. Why? First off, they sewed his mouth shut! Cause that's so cool, ya know? Not to mention they gave him powers he doesn't have in the comics. In the comics he only ever had the healing factor. And why did he have that? He had cancer, and the healing factor was specifically created to counteract that cancer. The healing factor is what's supposed to make Deadpool crazy and forgetful. The Deadpool fans love. But no, they gave him adamantium swords that come out of his wrists, Cyclops's optic laser powers, Spectre's telporting powers, and a healing factor. The teleporting I could have dealt with because it's always been part of Deadpool's "thing" to have some type of device that let him teleport. But a silent, over-powered monstrosity? No sir. Dammit...lost the other point I wanted to make. It happens alot doesn't it? Ah, well. In closing someone should do something about the fact that I cant find a legitimate download for a Metro Riots album. Good music. I mean, Ive heard of underground bands from the UK, but this is ridiculous.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Week One - Oh, to be sane.
Ah, see I promised this rant didn't I? Well, let's see if I can get this goin' smooth and finish with a bang. On Thursday I was watching TV when my mom came in, comandeered the remote and began channel surfing. At first she stopped on CNN which, although occasionally biased (But noone can beat the predjiuce of Fox as we all know), is my main source of non-local news. The story at the time was of a hot air balloon that may or may not have a 6 year old child in it. Honestly, I didnt care. If someone is gonna have something like that laying around that a 6 year old can get in and lift off the ground, they deserve to watch their child zip uncontrollably through the air. My mother of course, who I sometimes attribute my attitude towards things to, yelled at the TV and I, suggesting what she thought they should do to save him. And it only got better as they eventually decided it was a Helium balloon. Then the father was a retired storm chaser. Then guess what? After helicopters are involved and an airport is shut down, the boy climbs out of a box in the garage's attic. Of course, this only entertained my mom for a short time and soon she found herself on Dr. Phil. Really? Hell, I could do a better job than that stuttering moron and I'd do it for little to nothing. Why? Not onl do I feel its my job to inform people that I think I know whats good for them, but you can't exactly expect too much pay for smacking people around and telling them to get their shit together. But hey, I bet even you, dear reader, could do a better job than him. Hell, you may even be a real doctor, medicinal or otherwise doesnt matter. I take a break now reader to inform you that the rant you've read so far was inspired by 10 minutes out of my life while my mother channel surfed. Think I'm a little irritable now? Well, that's just the beginning and this is the first entry. A conversation I had with somebody led me to be inspired to add a bit on the so-called "seperation of church and state" in this "wonderful country of ours". If church and state are really so seperate than what should it matter if god wouldnt like two people of the same sex getting married, let alone having sexual relations. There are other things that the subjectivity of our government, influenced by what I think is just the greatest and oldest example of propaganda ever distributed on any sort of scale. If ya didnt catch it, Im refering to the bible. Religion in and of itself has rarely done too much good. No, its main products are misery, wars, and execution of people and their rights as humans because their holy leaders and book told them it was the right thing to do by their god. But off my religion rant for now. Back to the American government and its abuse of power. Actually, no, its not even just the american government. Governments all over the world take away the rights of its people based on words that are supposed to be words directly from their religious icon. Women in muslim countries are still treated like inferior beings because that's what religion says they are and it's not even on a personal level. Its on a government level. My ideal vision of a government? A communist society with a democratically elected leader but if this leader is found to let religion bias his opinions of an issue he is to be up for reveiw and removed from office. And being a communist society doesnt mean it cant be democratic. Political policies and economic policies dont need to be linked with their stereotypical partner's. It would be theoretically possible to have a society that is run by a democratic governement with a communistic economic plan. Ah, well, For now Im out of things to go on about. Damned short week. Well, next week's should be much longer and have a bit more points. Anyway, until then, stop rolling over and accepting the way things are. Question everything.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Silence Before The Storm
How you've happened upon this dreadful place, I don't know. And conveniently don't care. See, this is where Ive decided to put my writing prowess and displeasure or pleasure with things into a weekly blog were I review events of the week. Not personal events. Events in the news, a new tv show or season of an old one, a new video game. Things you may actually care about should you fall into the cesspool that this blog is sure to become. There's not enough journalistic prowess anymore. Noone questions anything and when is the last time you saw a news article where the writer actually seemed to give a shit about what they were writing about? Well, in closing this post, its halfway through the week and to help continuity down the road, Ill make my first post this weekend instead of seven days from now.
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